2022 Texas' Miss La Petite 5-6

Hello! My name is Sophie Garza. I am your 2022 Texas' Our Little Miss La Petite (5-6). I am 5 years old and in Kindergarten at Fern Bluff Elementary in Round Rock, Texas. My favorite subject is art and recess!
I have the best family in the world! My mom and dad support me in everything I do. My Dad, Tomas, drives us to all of my my events. My Mom, Daisy, buys me pretty clothes and curls my hair for all the pageants. I have an older 9-yr old brother named Joaquin who is also my biggest fan. He loves to play video games but will put everything down just to cheer for me.

My after school activities include gymnastics, ballet folklorico, and softball! I used to be very shy and very scared to perform in front of people, but participating in pageants and after school activities has helped me become more comfortable and less scared. My most favorite activity is gymnastics. I have performed at city-wide events with the Round Rock Ballet Folklorico dance group and have recently taken up softball. I like to stay busy and make new friends everywhere I go.
One of the best things about being a part of the OLM Royalty is the community service we get to do together. This year we sang Christmas songs to several elderly people at nursing homes. I was nervous at first since I didn't know many words to the songs, but the people really enjoyed our company and it made me feel really good to know I put a smile on their faces.

I've enjoyed helping out at the preliminaries and state pageants. I know how scary it can be on stage, so I try my best to help the girls that may be a little scared. Can't wait to see everyone at the state pageant!
Sophie Garza
2022 Texas' Our Little Miss La Petite (5-6)