2022 Texas' Our Little Miss

Hey yall! I am 8 year old Denver Morris, and I am so excited to be your 2022 Texas' Our Little Miss! I live in a small town in the Texas hill country called Llano...Go Jackets!! My favorite subject in school is math, because I love learning multiplication, and math is like solving a fun puzzle. My teacher makes learning math so much fun! Becoming a part of the OLM family, and representing Texas as your 2022 Texas Our Little Miss queen is a job I am so honored to have! I just love every moment I get to spend with my queen sisters and new pageant friends. It seems like every time I go to an OLM event, I meet a new life long friend, some from Texas, but even some from other states! I hope to visit them all one day! OLM has truly changed my life in so many ways, and has taught me so much about myself that I never even realized...it's just so cool!!
When I am not in school I stay very busy with many extra curricular activities like gymnastics, piano lessons, art class, 4-H, and riding horses. I am also very involved in my church, Lutie Watkins Methodist, and feel so blessed to get to spend time learning and spreading God's word with all my church friends! At home, I stay very busy at our family barn tending to my many farm animals. We have horses, chickens, ducks, pigs, rabbits, cats and dogs! It is a ton of work, but I absolutely love working as a team with my family to keep our animals happy and healthy. My Mom, Dad, Grandparents and family are my biggest supporters, and my older brother Easton is my best friend and #1 fan!!

Music is a very important part of my life, and I have spent the past two years working hard to learn to play piano. Music makes everyone happy, and I am so proud of my accomplishments in piano! I am now working on a new piece that I can't wait to play on stage soon! Stay tuned!!
Being your 2022 Texas' Our Little Miss has come with some super fun experiences! I have had the opportunity to work with other girls just starting pageants, entertaining and visiting with the elderly, serving meals through the Meals on Wheels program, and even got to ring the bell for Salvation Army over the holidays! Our Little Miss has taught me how fun and rewarding giving back to the community can be!!

I can't wait to meet new friends, and of course see all my old friends at the 2023 Our Little Miss preliminaries and state pageant in Bastrop, TX. See y'all real soon!!
Denver Morris
2022 Texas' Our Little Miss