2022 Texas' Universal Beauty (23-36 Mo)
The 0-2 Texas State Queen in the Universal Pageant System, Our Little Miss is a title Genevieve
and her mommy set as a goal. Genevieve is 3 years old. She competed in her first pageant and was awarded her first queen title at 10-months old. After Genevieve won the Texas State OLM pageant and became queen, she went on to represent Texas at World's Our Little Miss in the 0-2 division and was named a finalist. She loves to be on stage, especially lining up to go on with other contestants which she calls: "the chugga-choo-choo."
Genevieve has two older brothers, Andrew-Cade and Conor, and an honorary sister, Alma. She is her daddy's biggest fan and waits by the door every day for him to return from work.
Genevieve continues to enjoys ballet class at Banbury School of Dance, gymnastics at The Little Gym, and swim lessons at Wolfie's in Bellaire, Texas. She began all these activities at 24-months old.
Community service is one of the most important responsibilities of being a Texas State Queen. Genevieve recently helped gather back-to-school supplies and uniforms for her local middle school. She plans to spend many Saturdays this fall volunteering at a community farm ran by FAM Houston. As part of their mission, FAM Houston seeks to bulid a community among refugees, immigrants, and local Houstonians.

Genevieve loves to travel Texas and enjoys the rivers the most. Her favorites are the Frio, Comal, and Guadalupe. She loves the family time combined with the cool waters during the Texas heat.
Genevieve is super excited to be your 2022 Texas' Universal Beauty.
Genevieve Lemons
2022 Texas’ Universal Beauty