2022 Texas' Universal Beauty (5-6)
Hello. My name is Mila Amari Reyna, and I am the Texas Universal Beauty (5-6 division). I am six
years old and live with my mommy and daddy in San Antonio, Texas.

They are my biggest fans.They take me to all my activities, cheer for me, and tell me to try my best. I am their only little princess. We have two cats named Bella and Biscuit. I also have a fish. I am in first grade. I like school because I get to see my friends and play with them at recess. My favorite subject is math. Sometimes it’s hard, but then I use my brain, and poof, it’s done.

I also like ballet and gymnastics. The tumbling is fun and jumping on the trampoline. Ballet is amazing. I get to learn new skills like curtsy, an arabesque, and all that stuff. I am in the Nutcracker Ballet every year. First, I was a mouse, and then an angel. This year I want to be a bonbon and a snow princess. I like performing, and I always practice so I can get better.
I take swim lessons, and I love it! I also play T-ball. It’s a little hard. When I run, it gets me sweaty, but I like when I hit the ball and run the bases.
I also love pageants. I like to dress up, model, have fun, see my friends, and make new friends.

I like Barbies a lot, and I want all the little girls to have a Barbie and other toys, and little boys to have toys too. It makes me sad that some children don’t have toys, so I collect new toys every year to give away. My mommy and daddy help with the toy drive. Their friends help too. This is the third year for my Christmas toy drive. I give them to a police officer group so they can give them to children. I also collect food at Thanksgiving for families that need a little help. I give it to my school, and they give it to families. I like to help people. Being a queen for Our Little Miss allows me to use my crown and my title to ask more people and businesses to help out.

I think I am brave. I am a little bit shy, and sometimes I get nervous, like when I try new things. I just take a deep breath and tell myself, “You can do it, Mila.” I also like to be silly and tell jokes.
I am looking forward to meeting all the contestants at the Texas Universal Beauty Pageant and helping them be a little braver, and I hope to become new friends with them. I want to wish all the contestants good luck!
Mila Amari Reyna
2022 Texas' Universal Beauty